Private Lab owner income?

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Feb 16, 2008
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What would be the take home earnings range for an owner of a small to medium sized private reference lab? I have worked in several labs with gross revenues approaching the 10s of millions, but company revenues versus expenses at the town halls have often been break even. My dream is to someday own a small laboratory operation of my own specializing in hemepath, but I’m having a hard time believing I can turn a profit or take home a positive salary. Any perspective or thoughts?

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What would be the take home earnings range for an owner of a small to medium sized private reference lab? I have worked in several labs with gross revenues approaching the 10s of millions, but company revenues versus expenses at the town halls have often been break even. My dream is to someday own a small laboratory operation of my own specializing in hemepath, but I’m having a hard time believing I can turn a profit or take home a positive salary. Any perspective or thoughts?
Seems like hard to do in todays world but I’m guessing you’d probably have to be a in a place with as little competition as possible, so I guess you got to go rural like Webb says. But what do I know…

LADoc00 is the person to ask but unfortunately he’s banned.
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Seems like hard to do in todays world but I’m guessing you’d probably have to be a in a place with as little competition as possible, so I guess you got to go rural like Webb says. But what do I know…

LADoc00 is the person to ask but unfortunately he’s banned.
Why was LA banned?
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He liked to start fights in other forums. Probably trash talked the wrong mod who wasn’t familiar with what is tolerated within the patholgy forum and they brought the ban hammer down hard on him.
That thread is from 2013 though…

He had some funny posts. Always gave me advice when I dm’ed him. Probably busy working on his startup anyways or just enjoying his life at the W in Scottsdale lol.

He sure did like making that moolah though 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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It would be near to impossible in my neck of the woods to open up a small laboratory operation in any specialty and actually make a dent in the market. You would have to be able to generate a steady stream of biopsies - which means having some sort of "agreement" with the referring clinics. In hemepath, you would have to be able to figure out the cost and profit of doing in-house versus send-out testing as well. The only small hemepath lab here is an in-house path lab owned by a heme-onc group.
What would be the take home earnings range for an owner of a small to medium sized private reference lab? I have worked in several labs with gross revenues approaching the 10s of millions, but company revenues versus expenses at the town halls have often been break even. My dream is to someday own a small laboratory operation of my own specializing in hemepath, but I’m having a hard time believing I can turn a profit or take home a positive salary. Any perspective or thoughts?