I'd say that's a good deal. The base salary for 4 days is solid. It depends how they define "net collections" and how busy they expect you to be. If you're credentialed appropriately right off the bat and you will be seeing 15+ patients per day, assuming 5 or more new patients per day. Then, depending on how aggressive you are with skin testing and shots, you should easily surpass total collections of 500k by quite a bit. If by net collections, they mean 40% of anything collected above 500k, then you would be looking at a substantial bonus. If "net" means they take the money collected over 500k and then subtract say 60-70% overhead from it...well, that's a different number entirely. It's still a favorable contract. Let's say you collect 800k 1st year (conservative), if you make a 120k bonus your first year...that's fantastic IMO. Even if they take out overhead and you make say a 40-50k bonus, that's still a good take home pay for 1st year in practice and 4 days a week. Partners on an eat-what-you-kill contract are essentially making collections - overhead. Overhead is probably 60-70%. So if you are truly making 40%, that means you will be making alot of money once you've been practicing for a few years. A/I builds on itself so you can probably expect your first year collections to double or triple after a few years in practice
The devil is in the details. It's all about how busy you are and how aggressive you are. There is a massive difference in seeing 15 with 5 new vs say 25+ with 8-10 new.
Another thing to be aware of and ask about in our field is whether or not you are responsible for shot coverage on all of those 4 days or whether they have a PA or someone else in the clinic who rotates that responsibility. If you're covering shots in addition to clinic, you can pretty much bet you will be there from open to whenever the last shot is given + 30min. Clinics structure this differently. If you're not covering shots, you have the flexibility to say block out your schedule for parts of the day or the end of the day and leave early. This is important to know for planning. Say you have friends come into town or you're juggling child care. Being able to move patients around so you can leave clinic at 3pm or go run and pick up your sick kid from day care in the middle of the day if needed is nice flexibility to have.