Professional Groups to Join for Patients with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

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May 2, 2024
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There are so many professional groups for various sub-specialties (e.g. in cardiology: AHA, ACC, etc.) but are there any national professional organizations for patients with disabilities and chronic illness? I know it's not a sub-specialty, but there quite literally is SO much that needs to be done for these patient populations and their families to receive comprehensive, unbiased, and compassionate care.

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NAMI is a great group that does have opportunities for healthcare professionals to be involved. It is The National Alliance on Mental Illness, which advocates for and supports patients with psychiatric illness and their families.
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Medical Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

They are pretty active and have great resources for students and if you want to start a new chapter. They are focused on students with disabilities but could probably connect you with patient advocacy groups.
There's pretty much advocacy and support groups for any disability or condition out there these days. Some are great; others can be iatrogenic. With disability in general, there are organizations, but it can be harder to unify because different disabilities create different needs and experiences.