psych practice options

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Jan 29, 2002
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what are the different psych practice options out there? specificaly ones that can significantly increase the income of a practitioner?

is it feasible for a psychiatrist to work 3-4 days a week and still make good money?

i've heard of psychiatrists hiring psychologists in there practice to increase their income? how does this work exactly? how common is it for psychiatrists to do this? how much can one make practicing like this?

what are other buisness-minded pychiatrists doing to increase their incomes...which are feasible and legal?

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Establish yourself in a wealthy area and cater to the problems of the affluent (and their children in particular). If you're exceptional at what you do and you also have some business savvy, I don't see why you couldn't work 4 days per week and still make very good money.
vmc303 said:
Establish yourself in a wealthy area and cater to the problems of the affluent (and their children in particular). If you're exceptional at what you do and you also have some business savvy, I don't see why you couldn't work 4 days per week and still make very good money.

I'd rather stick chilled ice picks in my eyes than do that! :laugh: