Psych Tests for Sale in Classified Section

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2+ Year Member
Apr 15, 2021
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I still have quite a few psych tests available for sale. They are listed in the Classifieds Section.

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Serious question here...Is there a better way to pass along this vast library of test equipment to someone who can use it? I've already donated 6 BOXES worth to the Psychology Museum. We can't/don't advertise on eBay, FB, or other listservs (as you recommended) for obvious reasons. I thought that offering these tests to upcoming and new professionals would be a good way to help folks get established. I was happy to find SDN, where there's a legal and ethical way to sell unwanted tests and equipment. My prices are about 10% of new, so it's not to make a profit. I just can't see putting all this in the landfill when someone else can benefit from it. I'd be very interested to hear your suggestions.
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Serious question here...Is there a better way to pass along this vast library of test equipment to someone who can use it? I've already donated 6 BOXES worth to the Psychology Museum. We can't/don't advertise on eBay, FB, or other listservs (as you recommended) for obvious reasons. I thought that offering these tests to upcoming and new professionals would be a good way to help folks get established. I was happy to find SDN, where there's a legal and ethical way to sell unwanted tests and equipment. My prices are about 10% of new, so it's not to make a profit. I just can't see putting all this in the landfill when someone else can benefit from it. I'd be very interested to hear your suggestions.

I mean, it's not legal. It's not legally allowed by any of the big publishers. Fairly clearly stated in their terms of sale and legal documents. SDN is probably at some risk of liability by allowing it on a publicly available forum, as are you. Probably why this is mostly done on private listservs and privately. I'd look at local options, talk to other practices, graduating postdocs, etc.

As for ethically, "You must self-certify that you are credentialed to buy and use these instruments. Thanks." doesn't exactly make me think that this is going down legally, nor ethically. Whats to stop an attorney from lying to you and just buying these tests? Btw, that's not a hypothetical situation.
Serious question here...Is there a better way to pass along this vast library of test equipment to someone who can use it? I've already donated 6 BOXES worth to the Psychology Museum. We can't/don't advertise on eBay, FB, or other listservs (as you recommended) for obvious reasons. I thought that offering these tests to upcoming and new professionals would be a good way to help folks get established. I was happy to find SDN, where there's a legal and ethical way to sell unwanted tests and equipment. My prices are about 10% of new, so it's not to make a profit. I just can't see putting all this in the landfill when someone else can benefit from it. I'd be very interested to hear your suggestions.
You can donate to a university clinical/counseling psychology program or counseling center. Go to your local state organization and ask if you can advertise through their listserv. Really any psychological organization.

Selling test material in an open forum where you can't validate education and license can be dangerous. As you should know, risking the general public having access to testing material can spoil assessments and cause a whole host of problems.

I can't believe this has to be explained to licensed psychological provider with a doctorate.
You can donate to a university clinical/counseling psychology program or counseling center. Go to your local state organization and ask if you can advertise through their listserv. Really any psychological organization.

Selling test material in an open forum where you can't validate education and license can be dangerous. As you should know, risking the general public having access to testing material can spoil assessments and cause a whole host of problems.

I can't believe this has to be explained to licensed psychological provider with a doctorate.

Additionally, some states, mine included, have state laws regarding psychological test security, so this could also be illegal via those means as well.
You would be safer destroying this stuff then you are selling it.