Psychiatry Residencies that accept students who have only taken the COMLEX?

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May 28, 2014
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2nd year med student here interested in psych contemplating whether or not to take the USMLE. My top residency choices when 4th year comes around are at the moment the ones in NC: Duke, ECU, Wake Forest, UNC, Carolinas Medical Center (Charlotte), and MAHEC (Asheville). Does anyone have any knowledge if these are DO friendly in that they don't care if you take USMLE or not? Any program directors on here have current news regarding their programs/programs they've heard of and also whether that answer may change after the merge?

Side q, with a particular interest in addiction psych, what residencies (preferably from the SE border up to VA but open to suggestions) should I place in my mind for the time being?

That being said, I do feel like my first question has been asked time and time again but I can never seem to come across a concise answer (maybe there isn't one). I appreciate the input and thank you all for your time

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Um, I'm afraid you may need to lower your expectations. You can rule out Duke, UNC and likely Wake Forest as well. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. And you should definitely apply more broadly, consider neighboring states.
I think COMLEX only you can probably match somewhere, but after my experience with match I would take step and really try to do well. I think my board scores and lack of step probably hurt me when it came to ranking against MDs and other DOs with step. You'll need it especially with some of the names you mentioned and the merger.
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I think COMLEX only you can probably match somewhere, but after my experience with match I would take step and really try to do well. I think my board scores and lack of step probably hurt me when it came to ranking against MDs and other DOs with step. You'll need it especially with some of the names you mentioned and the merger.

First, sorry for the difficult experience you had with match. Hope you succeed wherever you land. If you dont mind me asking, what scoreish range did you get on the comlex?

Um, I'm afraid you may need to lower your expectations. You can rule out Duke, UNC and likely Wake Forest as well. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. And you should definitely apply more broadly, consider neighboring states.

and lol yeah i knew duke, unc were long shots but just listed them for the sake of it. What residencies in the neighboring states did you think highly of?
Um, I'm afraid you may need to lower your expectations. You can rule out Duke, UNC and likely Wake Forest as well. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. And you should definitely apply more broadly, consider neighboring states.

you can probably rule out Duke without question and UNC unless you really do well on the USMLE as per their reputation on here.
2nd year med student here interested in psych contemplating whether or not to take the USMLE. My top residency choices when 4th year comes around are at the moment the ones in NC: Duke, ECU, Wake Forest, UNC, Carolinas Medical Center (Charlotte), and MAHEC (Asheville). Does anyone have any knowledge if these are DO friendly in that they don't care if you take USMLE or not?
Wake Forest invited me for an interview a few years ago and I only took COMLEX. From your list here, that's the only program I applied to so I can't really comment on the others. But I do believe there were some programs which did not consider me due to my lack of USMLE scores. Nevertheless, I still interviewed at several decent programs. You may wish to contact the program coordinators at each program you are interested in and ask for their opinion.
I was a DO applicant this year with competitive scores on both usmle and comlex applied to duke, unc, wake forest and Cmc. Only got invite at cmc. Also keep in mind that my EC's were probably average and I needed a visa. Just to chime in. Everybody is different but at the rate psych interest is going, you should take the usmles.
I was a DO applicant this year with competitive scores on both usmle and comlex applied to duke, unc, wake forest and Cmc. Only got invite at cmc. Also keep in mind that my EC's were probably average and I needed a visa. Just to chime in. Everybody is different but at the rate psych interest is going, you should take the usmles.

How many total interviews did you end up with? Happy with your match?