Psychology Emotion Theory Question

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Apr 2, 2020
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I came across this question in the AAMC Sample test and am confused. I watched the Khan Academy P/S videos which stated:
1) James-Lange Theory: event -> physiological response -> interpretation of response -> emotion.
2) cannon-bard theory: event -> physiological response and emotion simultaneously
3) schachter-singer two factor theory: event -> physiological response and identify the reason for the event and physiological response (cognitive label) -> emotion
4) lazarous theory: event -> appraisal (labeling event) -> emotion and physiological response simultaneously.
Based off these descriptions, the correct answer (A) skips the evaluation of physiological response. Wouldn't C be more correct?
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Hi, James-Lange theory does not involve any cognitive appraisal. So C is incorrect because the individuals do not need to interpret to determine what type of emotion they are experiencing. In the second part of the answer it says "which results in..." indicating that the emotion occurred after.
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