Publications on VMCAS?

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Aug 12, 2022
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Hi all, c/o 2028 applicant here. What is the best way to list publications on VMCAS (both publications where I am first author, and others where I am not first author)? I was thinking in the Honors and Awards section—separate from research experience—so they stand out.

The answer hasn’t been clear to me from what I’ve read, so any input is appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi all, c/o 2028 applicant here. What is the best way to list publications on VMCAS (both publications where I am first author, and others where I am not first author)? I was thinking in the Honors and Awards section—separate from research experience—so they stand out.

The answer hasn’t been clear to me from what I’ve read, so any input is appreciated. Thanks!
VMCAS 2022 Applicant Guide

When you look at the VMCAS Applicant Guide, you will see there is no place on the application specifically for publications.

If you wish to include this type of activity, you can add them as part of an appropriate experience in the Experience Types - Research section of the application.

Or you can list them separately in the “Achievements” section of the application.
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