VMCAS cycle 2025

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May 17, 2024
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Starting a new thread for early planners like myself. Will be applying next cycle to enter class of 2030. I know its early but I already have questions.

Planning my final year of prerequisites:
My IS allows 2-3 classes to be in progress at the time of submission. When I submit next August/September I will have 2 classes in progress for Fall 2025. How will i enter those classes? Will I send transcripts again in December 2025?

Happy applying!

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Starting a new thread for early planners like myself. Will be applying next cycle to enter class of 2030. I know its early but I already have questions.

Planning my final year of prerequisites:
My IS allows 2-3 classes to be in progress at the time of submission. When I submit next August/September I will have 2 classes in progress for Fall 2025. How will i enter those classes? Will I send transcripts again in December 2025?

Happy applying!
In the app you would put the classes in as you would any other class but instead of putting a grade there’s an “in progress” option. Usually you just send the transcript again if you are accepted sometime after spring classes end with the exception of a few schools!
In the app you would put the classes in as you would any other class but instead of putting a grade there’s an “in progress” option. Usually you just send the transcript again if you are accepted sometime after spring classes end with the exception of a few schools!
thank you!
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@supershorty do you want to sticky this like last cycle's?
VMCAS for class of 2030 doesn't even open until next January. I think stickying this right now would be confusing for applicants in the current cycle.

@m_mitchell1019 I recommend not worrying about details of your upcoming application at least until you're closer to the actual time you're applying. A lot can change in 7 months, including what courses you take, and you'll have plenty of time to figure everything out when the next application cycle opens in January. Take this time to focus on your coursework, finding successful study strategies, and enjoying yourself along the way, rather than trying to pre-prepare for administrative details of VMCAS.
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