Putting together MD (and DO?) school list for International Student (520 MCAT, 3.73 GPA)

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May 17, 2016
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Hi all,

As seen in the title, I'm putting together a list of schools to apply to this cycle. Looking at the new MSAR and my premed counselor's list of schools that frequently accepted graduates from my college, I narrowed my list to 10 schools that accepted at least 5 international students for this upcoming cycle. I wanted your help in expanding my list, since I would like to apply to at least 20 schools.

Basic info:
-Chemistry BA from top 3 liberal arts college.
-Cumulative GPA: 3.73, Science GPA: 3.55 (with upward trend in science gpa from ~3.4-3.5 from freshman&sophomore year to >3.7 in junior& senior year). Dean's list every semester
-MCAT: 519, not 520 (lowest subsection score was CARS: 128, highest subsection score was psych :132)

Clinical experience:
-70 hours shadowing in gen surgery, EM&ICU, neurology clinic, respiratory clinic
-did summer research in a lab the last 3 years of college (+500 hours)
-currently working as a clinical research assistant (+2000 hours and counting) in my gap year. Got 1 abstract published this year as second author. Currently involved in self-initiated research that will hopefully lead to a first author abstract publication in 2018

Stuff that make me stand out:
-I work as a freelance artist and have sold my paintings and other artwork for upwards of +$100. I had my art exhibited in professional gallery shows. I have won art contests from middle school to college, and once won an art merit scholarship that covered a whole semester of my college tuition. I was 3 classes short of completing studio art as a second major, and I received all A's and A+'s in my art classes. All of my ECs are art-related.
-I'm the first in my family to attend college in the US. I'm also the first in my family to pursue an MD, if that means anything.

Current school list:
Mt.Sinai, Albert Einstein, Columbia, NYMC, Weill Cornell, Northwestern, Sidney Kimmel, Stony Brook, Dartmouth, St. Louis.

Thank you!

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Hi all,

As seen in the title, I'm putting together a list of schools to apply to this cycle. Looking at the new MSAR and my premed counselor's list of schools that frequently accepted graduates from my college, I narrowed my list to 10 schools that accepted at least 5 international students for this upcoming cycle. I wanted your help in expanding my list, since I would like to apply to at least 20 schools.

Basic info:
-Chemistry BA from top 3 liberal arts college.
-Cumulative GPA: 3.73, Science GPA: 3.55 (with upward trend in science gpa from ~3.4-3.5 from freshman&sophomore year to >3.7 in junior& senior year). Dean's list every semester
-MCAT: 519, not 520 (lowest subsection score was CARS: 128, highest subsection score was psych :132)

Clinical experience:
-70 hours shadowing in gen surgery, EM&ICU, neurology clinic, respiratory clinic
-did summer research in a lab the last 3 years of college (+500 hours)
-currently working as a clinical research assistant (+2000 hours and counting) in my gap year. Got 1 abstract published this year as second author. Currently involved in self-initiated research that will hopefully lead to a first author abstract publication in 2018

Stuff that make me stand out:
-I work as a freelance artist and have sold my paintings and other artwork for upwards of +$100. I had my art exhibited in professional gallery shows. I have won art contests from middle school to college, and once won an art merit scholarship that covered a whole semester of my college tuition. I was 3 classes short of completing studio art as a second major, and I received all A's and A+'s in my art classes. All of my ECs are art-related.
-I'm the first in my family to attend college in the US. I'm also the first in my family to pursue an MD, if that means anything.

Current school list:
Mt.Sinai, Albert Einstein, Columbia, NYMC, Weill Cornell, Northwestern, Sidney Kimmel, Stony Brook, Dartmouth, St. Louis.

Thank you!

Hi! Did you get into medical school? I am also an international student applying this year and the process and odds for admission seem daunting.