qbook by kaplan?

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Sep 2, 2004
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does anyone have any experience with questions from qbook by kaplan? the questions seem to be really really hard? or is it just me? how does that compare to the rest test or qbank or nms questions? thx in advance!

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I liked it in addion to Qbank. The questions are segregated by discipline in the book so it makes it easy to review something like anatomy. I definately dont think it is enough alone, but it is a great supplement to the online questions.
trouta said:
I liked it in addion to Qbank. The questions are segregated by discipline in the book so it makes it easy to review something like anatomy. I definately dont think it is enough alone, but it is a great supplement to the online questions.

Gotta agree with that. I used Qbook after I finished a particular discipline and used Qbank on random mode the whole time. Qbook questions are a bit dated in the way they are presented (i.e. many are not clinical vignettes) but I still feel that they teach you important concepts.