Question about Biology pre-requisites for medical schools

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Jun 27, 2021
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I am a nurse working full-time while taking pre-requisites for medical school and I was wondering about the requirements for General Biology. Most schools I have looked at (both MD and DO) don't specify that they want General Biology specifically, just Biology coursework + lab. I have already taken General Biology 1+Lab and am registered for General Biology 2+lab. However I have already taken Anatomy&Physiology 1 and 2, both with labs. The lab for General Biology 2 seems to conflict with my class schedule and I was wondering if I would be OK to go ahead and drop the lab portion of General Biology 2. I do also plan to take an advanced biology class such as Physiology or Genetics, with lab if necessary.


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I am a nurse working full-time while taking pre-requisites for medical school and I was wondering about the requirements for General Biology. Most schools I have looked at (both MD and DO) don't specify that they want General Biology specifically, just Biology coursework + lab. I have already taken General Biology 1+Lab and am registered for General Biology 2+lab. However I have already taken Anatomy&Physiology 1 and 2, both with labs. The lab for General Biology 2 seems to conflict with my class schedule and I was wondering if I would be OK to go ahead and drop the lab portion of General Biology 2. I do also plan to take an advanced biology class such as Physiology or Genetics, with lab if necessary.


I can't speak about all schools in general, but the TMDSAS educational requirements are generally aligned with what the rest of the country is doing. That currently entails 14 hours in biology, 2 of which must be formal lab hours. So, it sounds like you already have sufficient lab hours. However, something to be aware of is the requirements for upper-level biology at your institution. When I was an undergrad, to take many of the desirable upper-level biology courses (immunology, microbiology, genetics), you had to first complete bio 1 + 2 plus both labs.
I can't speak about all schools in general, but the TMDSAS educational requirements are generally aligned with what the rest of the country is doing. That currently entails 14 hours in biology, 2 of which must be formal lab hours. So, it sounds like you already have sufficient lab hours. However, something to be aware of is the requirements for upper-level biology at your institution. When I was an undergrad, to take many of the desirable upper-level biology courses (immunology, microbiology, genetics), you had to first complete bio 1 + 2 plus both labs.
Appreciate it. I'm at a small enough school that even if I am not able to take the Bio 2 lab, I may be able to petition into an upper level biology course, if I have the Bio 2 lecture portion.
Make sure the most recent classes you are taking for the admissions requirements state the biology course is appropriate for biology/science majors. (Repeating what @esob said.) Do not take "microbiology" for nursing/allied health students. Unless specifically stated A&P with labs is not universally accepted as a prerequisite (for similar reason).

When in doubt, ask the admissions representative at your closest medical school.

Some undergrad programs will allow you to separate the lab section of biology from the lecture, but others won't. You should plan when you can take that lab if it is required for progression to upper-level coursework.