Question about H-1B Visa

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May 22, 2018
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There are some residency programs that requires a preliminary or transitional year (PGY-1), for example radiology or anesthesiology. In the majority of cases, at the end of this year, you'll move to your new residency program (PGY-2), which is located in another hospital. In a possible scenario where you got a match in the same year for preliminary/transitional (PGY-1) in a hospital H-1B Sponsor and radiology (PGY-2) in a non-H1B sponsor, If I get the h-1b visa sponsored by the first hospital (PGY-1), will I lose it when I change to the PGY-2 Hospital which is a non-H1B sponsor?
I know the H-1B Visa works for 3 years and could be renewed, but in order to maintain the Visa the two hospitals need to sponsor or only one is necessary?

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First of all, your initial assumption isn't exactly correct. Many programs that require a prelim have arranged it so you can get a prelim at the same spot -- sometimes by syncing their rank lists, sometimes by creating linked programs in NRMP.

Regardless, the answer to your question is "maybe". H visas are employer specific. If your first employer gets you an H visa, it's only good for that employer. Your second employer will need to get you a new H visa. Getting a second H (for a new employer) is relatively easy if you already have an H, but it's work your 2nd employer would need to do. If your 2nd employer does not sponsor any H visa at all, then you're out of luck. Some institutions won't sponsor a new H but will sponsor someone who is already on an H.

This all assumes that a program that takes you for a 1 year prelim is willing to get you an H visa. It's quite expensive and time consuming for a 1 year position. And, this year, there have been all sorts of H visa problems and delays.