Question about sending MCAT to ACCOMAS

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2+ Year Member
Sep 5, 2018
Reaction score
I had already finished and submitted half of my secondaries and some of them emailed me back that they couldn't review my application until my MCAT score is processed by ACCOMAS. After a few weeks, my MCAT score has finally been processed by ACCOMAS and was wondering if I need to contact each school that I have already submitted secondaries to about my MCAT being processed or will they just automatically know?

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It will update for the schools from AACOMAS, then it should show as ‘received’ for the schools on your secondary application. It make take a few days.
Ahhh okay, so the "received" will appear under the status tab for each of my school? Meaning I don't have to do anything correct?
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Yup! Happened to me as well. The schools will be updated.