Question about when secondaries begin coming in

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Full Member
Mar 12, 2023
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If I submit my primaries on day 1 of when submission opens up for AMCAS and get verified quickly (I saw on last year's threads that some that submitted day 1 got verified the same day), does that mean secondaries begin rolling in right away?

I guess I'm confused on when secondaries begin rolling in:

  • Do they start coming in as soon as your primary application is verified?
  • Or does it take time for the primary to get to schools once it is verified and then I get secondaries once schools receive the primary (i.e., they don't really read primaries and send secondaries to everyone)?
  • Or is it even more delayed and schools only send secondaries once they review primaries?
I understand these things might be school-dependent but an idea of when most schools send out secondaries would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

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At least for MD schools, no school gets an application until June 30th, some schools have an automatic system that sends secondaries out first day starting june 30th, others screen.