Question: DSM V-TR naming for benzo use disorder

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Article 14
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Sep 28, 2015
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I've asked several attendings, and each has a "guess," but no definitive answer.

For example, if a patient has 6+ symptoms from using alprazolam, which of the following is the correct naming?

A) Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorder, severe (F13.20)
B) Anxiolytic Use Disorder, severe (F13.20)
C) Anxiolytic Use Disorder (Benzodiazepine), severe (F13.20)
D) Benzodiazepine Use Disorder, severe (F13.20)
E) Something else?

I usually use C, but only because it makes the most sense, not because I have a leg to stand on that it's correct 😀

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Practically speaking, it really does not matter. I would agree that option C or D would be more specific but if you’re putting it somewhere else in the note all of the above are fine. The F codes and ICD 10 coding really just matters for billing and administrative purposes.

Honestly, I care much less about what you call it and much more about what the actual symptoms are, how it is affecting them psychosocially and functionally, and how you are going to address this.