Question: Interview at Einstein?

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7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Dec 4, 2003
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I am flying into and out of NYC for my interview at AECOM. I am wondering what time people are generally done with whole process? I am trying to schedule a flight back to the west coast and that is why i am wondering.

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I can't remember exactly when I was done, but I comfortably made my 6:30 flight out of LaGuardia (try to fly there, as opposed to JFK or Newark). My interview was at 11 AM, however; the schedule may be different if you have an afternoon interview.
I had my interview in the morning and was done after lunch (~1:30PM).
The interview day at AECOM is pretty unstructured. If you have a morning interview, then you just hang around for lunch and a brief tour. I was done by 2 PM. If you have an afternoon interview, then you will obviously be done later. Make sure to leave yourself plenty of time to get back to the airport.

Good luck!