Quitting an MME clinical "job" after exactly 1 year?

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Jul 30, 2019
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I posted about this "job" before, but I'm increasingly getting frustrated at the manager's attitude, so I'm wondering if it's OK to quit an MME job after exactly 1 year. Here's also sort of a rant.

I'm currently working at a private office doing all sorts of work; there isn't really a set title for what I do (Medical Staff Member?). My duties include sometimes MA'ing (assisting the physician with some procedures for an hour or two a week sometimes), taking vitals/interviewing new patients, translating for patients, patient transport, and charting/maintaining patient charts. I started this job on the first week of 2021.

Here's the thing - I only get paid for half of my time. The other half I'm "volunteering." Which if funny, because on my "volunteer" days I'm doing the same amount of work, or even more sometimes. I initially agreed to it when I first started, because of COVID desperation, but when I brought up being paid for the other days after a few months they said they're "grateful" for my volunteering and wanted to leave it at that (I didn't push any further, because I just wanted the hours). They even ask me to fill in for other staff members as a volunteer as well, lmfao.

I'm also now sensing they're hoarding all physically-intensive work on days I don't work, or just menial b***h work, and dumping them on me on the days I work. I don't even have a set time I leave on one of the days because they "never know what they'll need me for."

Despite all this, I still want to list this experience as an MME clinical experience, because honestly I learned and saw so much of what a physician does. I was able to participate in things I wouldn't have been able to in a big hospital setting. I just hate the way I'm treated, and really want to quit after Christmas this year (exactly 51 weeks). I work about 10-12 hours a week here, so that'll put me at ~500 hours.

Adcoms, does it look OK if someone quits their MME job after exactly 1 year (500 hours), 6 months prior to applying? I'm also volunteering through a hospice that I'll continue until I (hopefully) matriculate, so it doesn't look like I'm box checking. Or would it look better for me to just stick this out until next May (2022)?

Thanks for your help. @LizzyM @Goro @Catalystik @gyngyn

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When you asked about this earlier, I told you that this was a violation of federal law. It still is. You should quit and not look back. These people are dishonest in their dealings with vulnerable people. Get out.

Don't worry about MME. Frankly, I don't find anything meaningful in the little bit of extra space allotted on the AMCAS for it and I've never seen/heard an adcom make mention of something being or not being listed as Most Memorable Experience (when did we start calling it MME?).
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Report this place to the Dept of Labor and calculate how many hours of backpay you're owed. That'll be a nice little bump for app season.
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I posted about this "job" before, but I'm increasingly getting frustrated at the manager's attitude, so I'm wondering if it's OK to quit an MME job after exactly 1 year. Here's also sort of a rant.

I'm currently working at a private office doing all sorts of work; there isn't really a set title for what I do (Medical Staff Member?). My duties include sometimes MA'ing (assisting the physician with some procedures for an hour or two a week sometimes), taking vitals/interviewing new patients, translating for patients, patient transport, and charting/maintaining patient charts. I started this job on the first week of 2021.

Here's the thing - I only get paid for half of my time. The other half I'm "volunteering." Which if funny, because on my "volunteer" days I'm doing the same amount of work, or even more sometimes. I initially agreed to it when I first started, because of COVID desperation, but when I brought up being paid for the other days after a few months they said they're "grateful" for my volunteering and wanted to leave it at that (I didn't push any further, because I just wanted the hours). They even ask me to fill in for other staff members as a volunteer as well, lmfao.

I'm also now sensing they're hoarding all physically-intensive work on days I don't work, or just menial b***h work, and dumping them on me on the days I work. I don't even have a set time I leave on one of the days because they "never know what they'll need me for."

Despite all this, I still want to list this experience as an MME clinical experience, because honestly I learned and saw so much of what a physician does. I was able to participate in things I wouldn't have been able to in a big hospital setting. I just hate the way I'm treated, and really want to quit after Christmas this year (exactly 51 weeks). I work about 10-12 hours a week here, so that'll put me at ~500 hours.

Adcoms, does it look OK if someone quits their MME job after exactly 1 year (500 hours), 6 months prior to applying? I'm also volunteering through a hospice that I'll continue until I (hopefully) matriculate, so it doesn't look like I'm box checking. Or would it look better for me to just stick this out until next May (2022)?

Thanks for your help. @LizzyM @Goro @Catalystik @gyngyn
This Activity will "look fine" as a Most Meaningful experience if you quit now and list it for ~250 hours.
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Interesting update… I gave them my 2 weeks notice, and now they offered to pay me on my volunteer days on top of a raise… I guess I might as well stay then lol.
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Good job! It's tough to stand up to people in a position of authority, but it's better to learn that lesson early in life. Save being taken advantage of for residency, lol.