rabies vaccines!

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5+ Year Member
Sep 3, 2017
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Hi everyone!

I am a pre-vet student (not that it matters with this specific post), and I am curious about schools around the US/world who make veterinary students get a rabies shot! I was at work today (I am a veterinary receptionist), and one of my coworkers was telling me that all veterinarians (I don't know about CVTs) have to get a rabies shot when they start vet school! I guess I'm just curious of who in veterinary school have a rabies shot (if they had to get one prior to vet school) or if you don't have to!

I know it's probably a stupid question, but it made me really think. It's $300 to get a rabies shot for a veterinarian whereas for dogs and cats it's like $20!

I'm sorry for this random post but I am really interested to hear what everyone has to say!

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You will need a rabies vaccine. Not a big deal, all vet students get them and you are going to want one as a veterinarian.

Rabies is 100% fatal, no reason to risk your life over a few hundred dollars and a few needle pokes.
You will need a rabies vaccine. Not a big deal, all vet students get them and you are going to want one as a veterinarian.

Rabies is 100% fatal, no reason to risk your life over a few hundred dollars and a few needle pokes.

Yeah and I get that! I just found it interesting since I didn't know there was a rabies vaccine for humans and that we have to get them as veterinary students and veterinarians!
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It's usually about $300 pet shot and you have to get a series of three, so it's actually closer to $900. Then you are supposed to get your titers checked like every two years and booster as necessary. We get vaccinated because it's a much higher risk that we will come into contact with a rabid animal than the average person. Plus if someone does bring in a rabies suspect, it's the vet who was to collect the brain tissue to send off for testing. If exposed, we still have to get prophylaxis, it just isn't as intense as an unvaccinated person's routine. But you don't mess around with a fatal disease.
Pretty sure that legally all vets/animal health professionals should be up to date on rabies. My vet school paid for all 1st year students to get the initial series, and for our boosters/titers in subsequent years. I'm a resident at an academic institution now and the school paid for my booster last summer as well.
Pretty sure that legally all vets/animal health professionals should be up to date on rabies
It may be the school's rule, but I'm pretty sure it's not a law.
I was so sick after my second shot. I remember laying on my bed, thinking that maybe I got rabies because I had a fever and a quarter of my body was in pain. Of course I knew I didn't have rabies, but I'd never felt so bad so I couldn't equate it with anything.

As per CDC recommendations. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/rr/rr5703.pdf

But yea human med is almost always more expensive than vet med. My insurance covered my rabies shots, and so did the school medical insurance I purchased. Double check to see if yours does.