Re-applicant Advice

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Jul 8, 2019
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Where did you apply the last cycle? Where are you planning on applying this cycle?
and why are you waiting until the end of july to apply?
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Please apply early. Applying late really hurts your chances. ASAP!!! You're GPA is somewhat solid and your DAT score is just a bit above average (19 is average). If you can try and score a bit higher on the DAT to balance the GPA? (taking the DAT 2x and improving a little is a good way to show admins your devotion)
Of course you have a chance! I'm guessing you want to know if you have a good chance. I think you have a decent chance. Do your research and see what schools you should apply to. You can google up average GPA, DAT scores for schools and then you can narrow it down. I won't recommend specific schools, so someone else can do that.
My opinion to you is change up your personal statement. Even if you want to have the same idea rewrite it to convey it differently. You do not want to show them that your not even willing to put more work into the personal statement in your reapplication process. This is coming from a guy who applied 3xs. It sucks to put more work into something you thought was perfect, but nothing is perfect.
Personal experience: I got 4 interviews my first time, then 3 (they were the same schools that gave me an interview the first time -1 ) and then 3+ (accepted to dream school and didn't show up to the other interviews. 2 of them were the same schools that interviewed me my previous 2 years). I changed my personal statement through all of them and I do not regret it one bit. If they did have my profile from back then, they will just know more about me. You want to focus on the changes and how you grew over the past years. I talked about that and ended my essay with a flashback to my previous personal statement. If the application opens in May, then to me July is a bit late. It doesn't matter what I think though, just what I know and I know the later you apply the statistics/% goes down.
I would include private schools. I will list some but do your research and apply accordingly. Boston University, Temple, LECOM, UNE, Western and A T Still AZ

After making changes to your personal statement, I would recommend having someone on SDN read it and check for red flags. Also, it is crucial to apply as early as possible, but it is more important to have a polished application.
I would include private schools. I will list some but do your research and apply accordingly. Boston University, Temple, LECOM, UNE, Western and A T Still AZ

After making changes to your personal statement, I would recommend having someone on SDN read it and check for red flags. Also, it is crucial to apply as early as possible, but it is more important to have a polished application.
Thanks for the help! Would you consider mid July late, since my DAT has already been verified?
Thanks for the help! Would you consider mid July late, since my DAT has already been verified?
please just turn it in as soon as you can, instead of spending time worrying you are late
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