Real opportunity to get in surgery residency...

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10+ Year Member
Feb 1, 2010
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Hi all, I'm an Italian 4th year medical student.
I'd like to do my residency in uk or Ireland.

I read pretty much about foundation programme, ST1,2,3 etc. but I have a question.

Which are the real opportunities to get in general surgery residency? In Germany is not that hard to get in but what about UK? For ST1 Run through programme and ST3?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi all, I'm an Italian 4th year medical student.
I'd like to do my residency in uk or Ireland.

I read pretty much about foundation programme, ST1,2,3 etc. but I have a question.

Which are the real opportunities to get in general surgery residency? In Germany is not that hard to get in but what about UK? For ST1 Run through programme and ST3?

Thanks in advance.

General surgery isn't run through. CT1 is competitive but not ridiculous. ST3 is very competitive.
General surgery isn't run through. CT1 is competitive but not ridiculous. ST3 is very competitive.

For very competitive you mean a ratio of 1 to 10? OR more?
For very competitive you mean a ratio of 1 to 10? OR more?

The most recent stats I have seen are for 2008 and then there were 19 applicants per place. It is reasonably likely to be a bit worse than that now but there wont have been a dramatic change.