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Full Member
Nov 19, 2023
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Hello, I am looking for someone who would be open to reviewing my primary application from the previous two cycles to let me know where I can improve for the next application cycle I will be applying to? Is anyone able to assist? Thank you!!

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It might help if you could answer the questions you were asked in the previous threads.
Could you share where you have applied before? You received one interview each cycle you applied? Is that correct?
Are you aware that many schools average multiple MCAT scores? AMCAS. Recommends that schools do this. But there isn’t anyone that knows what individual schools do.
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It might help if you could answer the questions you were asked in the previous threads.
Could you share where you have applied before? You received one interview each cycle you applied? Is that correct?
Are you aware that many schools average multiple MCAT scores? AMCAS. Recommends that schools do this. But there isn’t anyone that knows what individual schools do.
Hi!! I did answer the questions, please see below!!

My first and second MCAT attempt were in 2021 (505, 506) and then my third MCAT attempt was in April 2022.

My science GPA is about a 3.8 and same for BCPM.

The first cycle I applied I interviewed at western michigan and was waitlisted, and this cycle I interviewed at Albany and am currently on the alternate list.
Closing. Please follow the discussion at OP's original thread now that they have included updated information:

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