Reapplying to psychiatry

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Oct 6, 2011
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Hello everyone, unfortunately I did not match into psych this cycle and I’m looking for advice on how to improve my application. I didn’t match into soap either which was a bummer. My school is allowing me to delay my graduation. Stats: pass step 1, 23X step 2. Red flag: had to remediate surgery rotation due to failed shelf exam. I have scheduled psych rotations through my school and 2 away rotations to instate residencies. I know I will have to apply to many more programs and probably dual apply to fm or im. I don’t have a lot of research experience so I have emailed researchers to see if I could get involved in projects or possibly work in a lab. How important is research vs rotations/making connections? I have a decade of experience working in mental health and don’t want to let go of my dream of becoming a psychiatrist. Any help is appreciated.

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Sorry you are going through this. I am glad that your school is giving you some support.

I think we would need more information about what you did this time that didn't work out. How many programs did you apply to? How many interviews did you receive and how did the interviews go? Does your school have a psych residency, and if so what feedback has the PD from your program given you?

Research and connections isn't an either/or proposition--part of the reason for doing research is to make connections with people doing research so they'll vouch for you. Ideally you could also get some publications to prove your academic merit... but realistically, with ERAS already re-opening in less than 6 months, it seems unlikely that you would meaningfully contribute in time for your re-application. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, as making connections through this method is still important, but it's important for you to set your expectations appropriately and recognize the things you can or cannot change.
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