Recommendation for Physics?

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Aug 27, 2019
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I am taking physics 2 next semester and I was wondering if any of you know any good resources for a basic overview of physics 1 or any advice for physics in general. I took Physics 1 a year or so ago and waited till I moved onto my new university because I hate physics. I don't know if it was the professor or if I really am just that stupid but I've never had such a difficult time with a class and I want to do well in physics 2.

Thank you guys!!

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I am taking physics 2 next semester and I was wondering if any of you know any good resources for a basic overview of physics 1 or any advice for physics in general. I took Physics 1 a year or so ago and waited till I moved onto my new university because I hate physics. I don't know if it was the professor or if I really am just that stupid but I've never had such a difficult time with a class and I want to do well in physics 2.

Thank you guys!!

Have you taken the MCAT yet? I took it after physics I but before physics II and honestly the Kaplan textbook was super helpful to me for both. This will probably be an unpopular opinion but it’s something to look into! It definitely won’t teach you everything, but it hits on the most important topics in a way that made it a lot easier to understand IMO
Physics 1 and 2 are not very similar. Khan Academy is always a good free resource. I also really like Crash Course for physics because he makes difficult things memorable with pictures and stuff.

Physics requires a lot of practice to become proficient at it. Make sure you aren't just learning the concepts, but that you are actually practicing them.
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I am taking physics 2 next semester and I was wondering if any of you know any good resources for a basic overview of physics 1 or any advice for physics in general. I took Physics 1 a year or so ago and waited till I moved onto my new university because I hate physics. I don't know if it was the professor or if I really am just that stupid but I've never had such a difficult time with a class and I want to do well in physics 2.

Thank you guys!!

Some topics covered in physics 1 at one school are covered in physics 2 at another school...and vice-versa. So, you need to be aware of this as certain topics are pre-requisites for later topics.

You may find the OpenStax College Physics book a good resource. I use it when I teach my online physics courses. It has a lot of good questions.

YouTube videos are also helpful, but you will want to be patient as finding really good ones takes a bit of time.
Have you taken the MCAT yet? I took it after physics I but before physics II and honestly the Kaplan textbook was super helpful to me for both. This will probably be an unpopular opinion but it’s something to look into! It definitely won’t teach you everything, but it hits on the most important topics in a way that made it a lot easier to understand IMO
I haven't taken the MCAT yet but I did buy books just to look through. I'll take a look at them, thank you!!