Recs on spending fellowship funds?

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7+ Year Member
Nov 13, 2015
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I have come into some money (always wanted to say that, figure there won't be many chances). It's actually not very much- a few grand to supplement training.

I need to spend the funds fairly quickly, but can't use for travel/computing, which would have been the most obvious choices. I've got conference registration on the list. Any recommendations besides books? Does it make any sense to buy tests at this point in my career? I'm not expecting to go into private practice. I'd like to get some EPPP materials, too, but don't want to blow everything on this. My specialty is neuropsych.

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I have come into some money (always wanted to say that, figure there won't be many chances). It's actually not very much- a few grand to supplement training.

I need to spend the funds fairly quickly, but can't use for travel/computing, which would have been the most obvious choices. I've got conference registration on the list. Any recommendations besides books? Does it make any sense to buy tests at this point in my career? I'm not expecting to go into private practice. I'd like to get some EPPP materials, too, but don't want to blow everything on this. My specialty is neuropsych.

If you're not going to be PP, don't buy tests. Conference registration, EPPP, ABPP board cert materials and licensure fees would be the best use at this point.
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