Renting a car: Away Rotations

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10+ Year Member
Oct 29, 2010
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I perused the forum and couldn't find anything recent regarding a month-long car rental. It's super frustrating because I will find the cheapest rate possible (600-800/mo) for some peashooter and get blinded with 400-500 bucks in rando fees. ~$1000-1200 to drive for a month seems outrageous! And before you ask, yes, a car is 100% necessary. I have already accepted the away and I am super excited to rotate there I am just wondering if I have no choice but to pay a grand or so for some wheels.

Any company recommendations, alternative means to obtaining a car and suggestions are welcome!

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Check Craigslist for a cheapo car. You can usually find something late 90s for <$2000, and probably sell for about the same amount if you are only using it for a month.
Why can't you just drive your car there
Check Craigslist for a cheapo car. You can usually find something late 90s for <$2000, and probably sell for about the same amount if you are only using it for a month.

Can't wait to read this on the news: "Medical student dies while trying to negotiate for car on craiglist, insisting their price was reasonable because they were "empathetic."
lol @ buying car on craigslist
you should get a moped
or a bike
unless u live somewhere cold then u r screwed man
I did this for a rotation where I absolutely needed a car and driving would have taken 3 days that I didn't have. Found a good rate on Priceline and ended up paying about 500 bucks. Sucks, but such is the cost of rotating.

Buying a car on CL will be way more hassle than it's worth.
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I am a 3 day's drive from the location so taking my own car isn't a possibility as I will be going from an away to another away, each are halfway across the country from where I am now. Thanks for the advice everyone, I will call the companies and hope for the best.
Rent a horse instead. You'll get bonus points for taking the residents on rides during lunch.
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It was just under $600 when I rented a car in Boston. Use the to get the entertainment book coupons. Also, if you lock in the rate online at time of purchase, you'll get another discount (warning: the "buy now" discount is non-refundable, non-changeable).
It was just under $600 when I rented a car in Boston. Use the to get the entertainment book coupons. Also, if you lock in the rate online at time of purchase, you'll get another discount (warning: the "buy now" discount is non-refundable, non-changeable).

Yeah I tried that and it is under $600 until the $300 bucks in taxes blindside me. Still the best rate I have found so far, thanks.
Rent a horse instead. You'll get bonus points for taking the residents on rides during lunch.

