reproductive path q

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Nov 26, 2013
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A 29 yr old man who is a construction worker is brought to the emergency dept b/c of severe, penetrating wounds to the abdomen. An emergency exploratory laparotomy is performed and the wounds are sutured. Before the abdominal cavity is closed, a small but well-formed uterus is found.

Diff diagnosis? (pls with explanation)

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A 23 yr old woman is evaluated for irregular menstruation. She had menarche at age 12 and has a 28 day cycle with 5 days of menses. Over the last 3 months, her menses have lasted btw 2 and 7 days. She is a competitive swimmer and trains 6 days a week She has no abdominal cramping. Pelvic examination is normal. Urine pregnancy test is negative. What tests would be appropriate to confirm the diagnosis?
A 23 yr old woman is evaluated for irregular menstruation. She had menarche at age 12 and has a 28 day cycle with 5 days of menses. Over the last 3 months, her menses have lasted btw 2 and 7 days. She is a competitive swimmer and trains 6 days a week She has no abdominal cramping. Pelvic examination is normal. Urine pregnancy test is negative. What tests would be appropriate to confirm the diagnosis?

Sorry didn't read the question properly. What are the answer choices??
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