Reschedule or Use Old Score

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Indoor Cat
Lifetime Donor
5+ Year Member
Aug 7, 2018
Reaction score
My MCAT date is April 25th and I am preparing myself for the fact that it will probably be canceled. I live in a large metro city so when I checked the later dates, there weren't any until July. I'm a reapplicant and one of the issues last time was I applied to too few schools, too late in the cycle. I was hoping to apply as early as possible, so taking the test in July and then waiting for the results isn't ideal.

I previously took the MCAT and it is still valid for this application cycle. I got a 511 last time: 123/128/128/132. I'm re-taking it to raise my C/P score which I know I messed up due to nerves.

I guess I'm just wondering if my current test gets canceled, whether I should reschedule and apply without knowing my score, or just use my old one? I keep on going back and forth between the two and would appreciate any advice. Thanks!

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What are your goal schools? And what is the context of your application? Those are two questions to consider before the cycle. It would not hurt you to submit normally in May --> June and then also have the retake to see if you blow your 511 out of the water.
What are your goal schools? And what is the context of your application? Those are two questions to consider before the cycle. It would not hurt you to submit normally in May --> June and then also have the retake to see if you blow your 511 out of the water.

Agreed 100%.