Does anybody know how important it is that the research you're doing in medical school is in the same specialty as the one you're intending to apply for residency?
i.e. if I'm intending to apply for pediatric residency, is there even a point in doing a research project in Obgyn / IM / surgery? So do they just look at your resume and want research experience in general, so they know you're somewhat familiar with it or is it utterly important that it is in pediatrics?
For background: I'm a medical student from Germany. Here getting an MD is a title you only earn by doing a research project and writing a thesis about it, it's not mandatory though, meaning if you don't do it you will be a physician but won't technically have the title of a doctor.
It's really difficult to find such a research project in pediatrics though which is why I'm considering to either do it in a different field or not to do it at all.
So basically my question is: When applying to residency, is there any advantage to having some research experience in a different field other than pediatrics, or does it not matter then at all?
Any input would be appreciated.
i.e. if I'm intending to apply for pediatric residency, is there even a point in doing a research project in Obgyn / IM / surgery? So do they just look at your resume and want research experience in general, so they know you're somewhat familiar with it or is it utterly important that it is in pediatrics?
For background: I'm a medical student from Germany. Here getting an MD is a title you only earn by doing a research project and writing a thesis about it, it's not mandatory though, meaning if you don't do it you will be a physician but won't technically have the title of a doctor.
It's really difficult to find such a research project in pediatrics though which is why I'm considering to either do it in a different field or not to do it at all.
So basically my question is: When applying to residency, is there any advantage to having some research experience in a different field other than pediatrics, or does it not matter then at all?
Any input would be appreciated.