Retake the GRE?

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New Member
May 24, 2020
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Hi everyone! This is my first time posting.

I recently took the At Home GRE and my (unofficial) scores were not as high as I was hoping. A 293 overall :/ As far as writing goes, I think that section went okay. Many schools I'm looking at applying to no longer require the GRE or waived it due to COVID. So out of my list of about 8, I still need it for 3 schools (Ross, Washington State, and Oregon State). I'm sort of at a crossroads as far as whether or not to retake the exam since I have time to later this summer, but at the same time I still need to work on applications and am also starting a summer course soon. Anyways, thought I would reach out to you guys to get some input. That exam was killer, my mind is just all over the place right now, and the self doubt feeling is creeping back up. Any thoughts or words of advice would be appreciated, thanks!

Also for some context, I'm sitting at a 3.3 GPA and have a few hundred hours of experience in the clinic as well as volunteering in the US and abroad.

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How did you study for the GRE? Did you use prep books?

Hi, I studied from the ETS prep books going through their questions and did a couple of the free online practice exams as well. Other platforms such as the GRE subreddit and Youtube were also helpful. I would say that I regret not giving myself more than a month to prep.
Most schools just want you to reach that 300. Any way you can aim for that minimum? It would definitely make you more competitive. If you can't or don't want to, it's not the end of the world. Ross' average is 300, so they accept below and it shouldn't be an issue for them. For WSU, they break you into three tiers. You can find more info on their website but essentially it's an either/or organization. So if you have either a high GPA or a high GRE they'll place you tier one which can guarantees an interview and so on. So a low GRE is definitely, as I said, not the end of the world. Check our their website for further clarification.
Most schools just want you to reach that 300. Any way you can aim for that minimum? It would definitely make you more competitive. If you can't or don't want to, it's not the end of the world. Ross' average is 300, so they accept below and it shouldn't be an issue for them. For WSU, they break you into three tiers. You can find more info on their website but essentially it's an either/or organization. So if you have either a high GPA or a high GRE they'll place you tier one which can guarantees an interview and so on. So a low GRE is definitely, as I said, not the end of the world. Check our their website for further clarification.
Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely look into their websites for more info. I am leaning towards retaking, but will take some time to think on it.