Retirement benefits

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Apr 5, 2014
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Currently working for Group Health. Interested in transferring to Kaiser. Pension plan seems weak. Anyone familiar with Kaiser's financial standing in the healthcare market place as well as any knowledge of their pension plan?

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Pensions are going away seems like. Otherwise maybe you can contact HR at the prospective workplace to see about benefits. Don't know much about Kaiser specifically other than they seem like a pretty big name in the healthcare field in general.
I don't know Kaiser's financial standing but whatever it is, if you plan a pension, bear in mind markets change. Even if Kaiser is flying high now (I don't know if it is) it could flunk 10 years down the road.

Kaiser does seem big. Still I wouldn't have much faith in them keeping a pension going on for over 2 decades is a risk.

State and federal pensions are safer. Even when states budgets have gone bonkers, they still honored pensions and were even willing to let dangerous criminals out in the streets before pensions were cut. Never in history do I know of any state or the fed not honoring a pension. City pensions, however, I've seen some cities not be able to pay them.
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