Retrospective Career Choices

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May 16, 2023
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Do any OG veteran pharmacist here ever ponder or regret not starting their own business? I’m interested in hearing from people that have or have not taken the leap; whether it be compounding, community, consulting, etc. The trailblazers of our profession need this insight!

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I'm not an OG veteran but... I'm in a good place so I have no regrets as of now.
If I did, it's not because I didn't pursue my own business, but rather, not studying something else.
Making 6 figures with 0 business risk or headache of owing a business- that's a hard proposition to beat for a sloth like me.
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Had I known more about the healthcare industry I would have gone into nursing with the end goal of becoming a CRNA as quick as possible.
My middle name is OG/veteran! I did give running my own business a try. After about 25 years of pharmacy, I purchased a franchise Home Health Care Agency. Paid the onboarding fee, went to California for the training. Came back and got all the licenses and certifications, opened up an office. Tried it for a few years, I was my own boss (definitely way over used)! Decided to get out after not making much money, for the hours I was putting in. Managed to sell my HHC license and franchise for much more than I paid for it. Then back to clocking in/out and bi-weekly paychecks.

Now into it (hospital/clinical) pharmacy for 38 yrs, no regrets for becoming a pharmacist. The profession has been very good to me.
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