Rite Aid or Vons pharmacy?

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Nov 2, 2016
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I just graduated pharmacy school and have an offer from rite aid and from Vons as a floater. I've worked at rite aid for 4 years so I know their system pretty well and they pay more than Vons, but any pharmacist I've talked to is happier working for Vons. Any advice on which company to go with?

Thanks in advance!

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The merger with Walgreen+RiteAid suggest a possibilities of some RiteAid stores would be closing.
But the merger happened for a while, I have no idea whats going on.
I probably go with Vons at this point in time.
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Grocery stores tend to be part of a union and offers Pension. I worked for Ralphsv(aka Kroger) and they are part of UFCW and offered pensions to their pharmacist. In retirement, you might have been glad to get it.