Schedule Too Much?

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Jul 10, 2021
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Hi, I am a sophomore Biochemistry major (pre-med, 3.85 GPA at 41 hours) and am working on my fall schedule.

I am currently signed up for (with credits):

Organic Chemistry 1 - 4
Precalculus - 4
American History - 3
World Music - 3
Biochemistry Research - 2

I also have a club, and tutor 6 hours per week.

My question is, would swapping a humanities for a physics class be too much? I have heard precal is a must for physics, but have also heard I would be fine. I would like to preserve my GPA as much as possible this semester, as I am going to put in transfer applications for better schools.

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It prob depends on the person, but you could prob go either way. I think if you dropped world music and picked up physics, it would not be a horrible 17 hours. The pre cal is prob easier and the American history probably isn't a huge time commitment.

However, may not be bad to chill and take physics next semester, which would not be bad for your prereq schedule if you are starting sophomore year this fall. This way your GPA won't be threatened by something you could have put off anyways. You could use extra time to get involved with some weekly nonprofit volunteering if the schedule ends up too easy.

It's probably a question of how easy the math in physics would be for you. As a sophomore myself, I get trying to get more done but it may be nice to protect the GPA and do some other activities instead, especially since Organic may suck. Either way, good luck! You have options
Precalc will likely help your physics math skills. You’ll probably have enough on your plate between that class and orgo, and you can always dedicate a bit more energy into your research if you extra time. Building connections with your lab mates can go a long way down the line. But maybe that doesn’t matter if you end up transferring.

I think your current schedule is pretty good. But I’m a bit curious as to why you are considering transferring? If it’s only to get into a “better school” for med school app purposes, it might not be worth it.
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