School Selection Spreadsheet

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7+ Year Member
Aug 17, 2016
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Hey, y'all!

Some people had asked me to post the spreadsheet I made to help me decide between schools!

I don't know if this will be helpful for anyone else, but it helped me organize my thoughts a little bit!

I'm posting a blank copy of my template. Obviously everyone will have their own factors to consider.

My process:
-Come up with an unnecessarily long list of factors that might possibly affect my decision
-Weight the factors 1-3 based on how important they are to me [1=least important, 3=most important, use 0 if N/A]
-Rank the schools (raw score) for how well they meet each criteria [-2 (bad), -1 (poor), 0 (eh/neutral), 1 (good), 2 (great)]
-Multiply the school score by the factor weight (weighted score)
-Create a final overall score for each school
-Compare schools!

Definitely looking for suggestions to improve it! This is just something I threw together for myself! 🙂

Anyway, hope it's helpful to someone! It's honestly probably excessive, but oh well!

(I believe you guys wanted to see it: @libertyyne @meep15 @protego and maybe others!)

EDIT 1: Changed scoring system
EDIT 2: Whoops, anonymity brb
EDITS 3 & 4: Excel template added, formatting changes

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EDIT 1: @Lawper suggested some good changes

Factor weight: 0 if N/A. 1-3 in importance
Raw score: -2 (bad), -1 (poor), 0 (eh/neutral), 1 (good), 2 (great)

Hopefully this helps! (Some of my schools are tied too haha)
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EDIT 2: Okay, so I was just informed that you can apparently see my name on the google sheet so I removed the link for now!
Will post it again when I figure out how to do this ahah
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This is great! I once stumbled upon a website that did this (for any general decision making), but this is better because it is tailored towards medical school decision making.
I'm glad you like it!! It's definitely helping me think more logically about things! 🙂
I'm thinking whether the spreadsheet could be used for comparing between combined medical degree programs (MD/PhD, MD/MPH, MD/MBA etc.)
That's an interesting thought! I haven't personally considered any dual degrees so most of the factors I listed are pretty general to all MD programs, but I'm sure some of those question marks could be filled with factors that are more specific to those combined degrees.