From what I have heard from interviewing at one of these programs is as long as a school has an initial accreditation, you will graduate with a DMD/DDS from an accredited institution. So even if the school does not obtain their final accreditation, which is highly unlikely, you still are considered to have graduated from an accredited program. Also, the ADA's Commission on Dental Accreditation does not take the initial accreditation lightly, so these schools are up to the ADA's standards.
Obviously if this is a major concern of yours, I would contact the school directly. I personally am in the situation where I have been accepted to two schools that I can commute to. One is my state school and the other is a private school with their initial accreditation. Obviously, I have taken the financial difference into consideration when making my decision, but the full accreditation vs the initial accreditation never really mattered to me. If you are lucky enough to have gotten accepted to Western and/or MWU-IL, you will still graduate with the same degree as everyone else. I personally do not think it matters where you go to school. It matters how hard you work in school and that you are there for the right reasons. Good luck!