Science electives that will help in medical school

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Nov 8, 2017
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I am currently going into my final semester of undergraduate and require two electives to complete my degree. I was wondering which two of the following would be most beneficial for medical school.

The five following courses are offered to undergraduate students and are taught by the universities medical school faculty. The course options are: Human Medical Genetics, Human Physiology (meets 5 times per week so I imagine it is an intense course), Clinical Embryology, Medical Pharmacology, or Neurophysiology.


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I am currently going into my final semester of undergraduate and require two electives to complete my degree. I was wondering which two of the following would be most beneficial for medical school.

The five following courses are offered to undergraduate students and are taught by the universities medical school faculty. The course options are: Human Medical Genetics, Human Physiology (meets 5 times per week so I imagine it is an intense course), Clinical Embryology, Medical Pharmacology, or Neurophysiology.

Top two would be Physiology and Genetics, then Embryology.
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Yeah, physiology and genetics would be pretty useful. Although I would place embryology before genetics. It's better to have a strong background in that, I think.
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taking the easiest and least time consuming electives possible and studying for ur mcat is the best route
There are "recommended" upper division courses. Most of them are the same across most medical schools.
Whatever is easiest and best for your gpa. No other crap matters in the long run. Your GPA and ability to improve your application in other areas (ie time) do however.
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