SES Disadvantaged Status EO1

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I was verified for AMCAS/AACOMAS (woo!) and was marked EO1 SES disadvantaged/first gen.

What bearing does EO1 SES disadvantaged/first generation have on admissions?

Will my application be put into a separate pile or something, or is this more just a context thing for whoever reviews your application? I know that schools use their own internal ranking algorithms to separate applicants, and I wonder if SES demographic info like this is used towards that ranking?

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I was verified for AMCAS/AACOMAS (woo!) and was marked EO1 SES disadvantaged/first gen.

What bearing does EO1 SES disadvantaged/first generation have on admissions?

Will my application be put into a separate pile or something, or is this more just a context thing for whoever reviews your application? I know that schools use their own internal ranking algorithms to separate applicants, and I wonder if SES demographic info like this is used towards that ranking?
Depending on the school, it could be. It is one of many indicators for being a socio-economically disadvantaged applicant. Some schools will separate them out after screening while others will assess financial aid after acceptance. It really depends on the school.