Setting up 3rd year rotations tomorrow. Don't know what I want to do!! Helpppppp :(

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May 16, 2013
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hey y'all, just like the title says... I'm having mucho trouble going about this and don't know how to handle the stress right now. I talked to my friends from 4th year and they said to just worry about boards right now and my boyfriend says the same thing. I take both Step and COMLEX in June.

For those of you who didn't know what specialty or field you wanted to do, how did you guys choose to space out or arrange your third year rotations?

Help this little lady out. All advice and relies are gonna be like SINCERELY appreciated.

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Honestly, with the exception of probably not doing your specialty of interest as the very first thing (before you know what you're doing enough to get decent evals/grades) or the very last thing (when you might be scrambling to make connections for research, LORs, etc. in time for residency applications), it really makes almost zero difference. Even having your chosen specialty first or last is not the end of the world (though obviously avoid it if you can). I got my last choice clerkship order and it ended up being perfect for me. There are benefits and disadvantages to every possible order. I know it seems like a big deal, but it's really nothing to stress about.

Hi CJ. I really really appreciate the kind words and reassurance. Means a lot! It's just tough to think about all of this when boards are around the Corner and down the street you know? :(
Try to get things you might be interested in somewhere in the middle, if you can. People say to do IM before surgery because it makes the shelf easier, but I doubt it makes THAT much of a difference. Looking back as a fourth year, clerkship order doesn’t matter as much as it felt like it was going to as a second year.
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Just do your speciality of interest with January being the latest so you can set up auditions. For Ortho I had to have my personal statement in as well as a letter of rec already.
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I see. So like set up the electives to where we have them in the middle of the year? (january-ish)? Arghhh its so frustrating because how the hell do we know what we wanna do for the next 30-40 years and what if we miss out on something just because we didn't fricking rotate in it. I swear I question the entire medical education system in America. You only get like 4 weeks to decide on it too? lol It's like meeting your "soul-mate" during a speed dating round and when you get married, you find out you really hate their guts but aren't gonna go anywhere else because you're already stuck with them.

I can like seriously see why so many physicians are burnt out in all different types of specialties. They probably had different thoughts going into the specialty as a med student and different ones coming out after residency. I'm so sorry for the rant you guys.

I see. So like set up the electives to where we have them in the middle of the year? (january-ish)? Arghhh its so frustrating because how the hell do we know what we wanna do for the next 30-40 years and what if we miss out on something just because we didn't fricking rotate in it. I swear I question the entire medical education system in America. You only get like 4 weeks to decide on it too? lol It's like meeting your "soul-mate" during a speed dating round and when you get married, you find out you really hate their guts but aren't gonna go anywhere else because you're already stuck with them.

I can like seriously see why so many physicians are burnt out in all different types of specialties. They probably had different thoughts going into the specialty as a med student and different ones coming out after residency. I'm so sorry for the rant you guys.

listen to "the undifferentiated medical student" podcast
Very few things matter about the 3rd year rotation block. The vast majority of the time, none of this will matter. If you do not get any of your preferences, do not stress out. Repeat the previous two lines x 3.

Anywho, my personal preferences (yours may be different):

If you're considering multiple MS3-based careers, rotate in them earlier rather than later. People will expect a month 1 MS3 to be dumber than a month 6 MS3.

Find things that you gravitate to and consider doing electives (if you have them) during that time frame. MS3 is not about finding the perfect field. It is about (to me) a process of elimination of **** I could see myself doing day after day. Could I have seen myself as a cardiologist or gastroenterologist or heme-onc? Sure. Could I have stomached being a hospitalist or internist if I didn't match into fellowship? Hell naw.

I didn't plan for this, but I liked having FM last. Nice chill rotation before start of 4th year. Able to incorporate everything I learned from that and every other rotation as I got ready to go into Step 2 CK.

Medicine before surgery is certainly reasonable. Surgery during the winter months will make you less miserable than during the summer months. Whichever surgical rotation (Ob-Gyn vs Surgery) you do first you will feel stupider in (primarily just in terms of being in the OR and not making a mess), so take that into account.
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So I got vacation, elective, and a medicine selective (only cardio, nephro, or heme/onc available at my site) as my 1st, 2nd, & 5th rotations, in any order. I want outpatient psych as my elective for an LOR. Should I do vacation first, so I can delay my Step 1 a little more and to take the OPP COMAT; take selective as my first real rotation, since I'm not interested in those specialties; then psych? I'll have to use my 4th yr vacation time in July 2019 for COMLEX Level 2 exams before ERAS/IIs goes out. Also, is heme/onc easier than cardio or nephro as my first real rotation? Thanks!
I understand why you feel the way that you do, and I felt the same way and had the same questions. It seemed like such a big deal setting up the order of the different clerkships third year, even though people would tell me that it didn’t matter.

I’m telling you – It really really really really really doesn’t matter.

I promise.
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Disagree, it mattered for me. Recommend something you don't care about first to get your feet wet, then IM->Surgery then whatever else
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So I got vacation, elective, and a medicine selective (only cardio, nephro, or heme/onc available at my site) as my 1st, 2nd, & 5th rotations, in any order. I want outpatient psych as my elective for an LOR. Should I do vacation first, so I can delay my Step 1 a little more and to take the OPP COMAT; take selective as my first real rotation, since I'm not interested in those specialties; then psych? I'll have to use my 4th yr vacation time in July 2019 for COMLEX Level 2 exams before ERAS/IIs goes out. Also, is heme/onc easier than cardio or nephro as my first real rotation? Thanks!
My School is allowing me an extra month to study for USMLE Step 1. On my MS3 transcript it is going to be reflected as " independent study". Do you think this will be somewhat of a stain on my transcript? I am concerned that PD's know that this is not a usual protocol unless some sort of academic remediation was necessary. Do you think I will be questioned about this during interviews? I am not doing well on my Step 1 self assessment tests and I feel taking the extra month, no matter what my 3rd year transcript says, it the lesser of 2 evils. your thoughts? thanks
My School is allowing me an extra month to study for USMLE Step 1. On my MS3 transcript it is going to be reflected as " independent study". Do you think this will be somewhat of a stain on my transcript? I am concerned that PD's know that this is not a usual protocol unless some sort of academic remediation was necessary. Do you think I will be questioned about this during interviews? I am not doing well on my Step 1 self assessment tests and I feel taking the extra month, no matter what my 3rd year transcript says, it the lesser of 2 evils. your thoughts? thanks
I wouldn't worry about it. Our school says it's much worse to fail or take an entire year before taking it.
My School is allowing me an extra month to study for USMLE Step 1. On my MS3 transcript it is going to be reflected as " independent study". Do you think this will be somewhat of a stain on my transcript? I am concerned that PD's know that this is not a usual protocol unless some sort of academic remediation was necessary. Do you think I will be questioned about this during interviews? I am not doing well on my Step 1 self assessment tests and I feel taking the extra month, no matter what my 3rd year transcript says, it the lesser of 2 evils. your thoughts? thanks

Ur never gonna be fully ready for the step. It doesn't matter if I took an extra 5 weeks or 5 months. I really don't think it would have helped.