Hey all, on the SF match website is says Avg. # offers per applicant is 4.4 is this the average number of interview offers per applicant or something else?
This makes more sense to me. Most people seem to have a fair number of interviews, and I know several people with 20 or 30+ interview offers. I'm obviously more likely to see people with more offers on the trail, but I think with the mass applying, 4 interviews/applicant is probably not the average.I read once (here?) that this number spoke more to how the match algorithm works and reflects where applicants fell on their rank list. Offers would be more like "pairings" that were made but then broken as higher ranked applicants overtook and replaced the initial offer. But... this could definitely be a misunderstanding on my part. You should call the SF Match and ask and report back!
so i just called and asked SF match about what "avg. # of offers per applicant meant" and gave them the ideas that had been bounced around here. The guy that I talked to said that it meant the average number of programs that ranked an applicant. That is to say, last year on average each applicant was ranked by 4.4 programs at least somewhere on the program's rank list. Hope that helps
yea idk. sounded weird to me too but thats what the SF Match guy said on the phone, maybe he's wrong. i was just curious and thought I would pass it along, but guess theres no point in us worrying about ambiguous stats at this point
I find that even more confusing. Does that mean that since most people are interviewing at 7 to 10 places that programs often don't even add them to their rank list?
I have heard from people that it is not uncommon to only rank approximately half of the people that interview. But I also only heard this from 2 chief residents and my home institution, so this may not be true at all programs.