Should I ditch the french?

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Jun 18, 2015
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Spring semester at my school starts in Jan and ends in April. I wanted to take at least 12 credits during the spring. I enrolled in 4 classes, which total to 13 credits. 3 out of those 4 classes are online, which is very convenient for me, since I am a pregnant student who will give birth around March 016. The only problem is that all the rest of the classes I need to complete are only available on a traditional classroom setting basis, including one of the courses (French II, which is a very undemanding course) that I planned to take during the spring, so I am not able to find another online course to replace it with. I really don't want to cut my credits down to 9, but feel I may have to, considering I will be in my third trimester and will give birth in the spring. I should also add that the french course will only meet on campus on Thursdays for 2 hours.

I am familiar with the professor, and maybe we could come up with some sort of arrangement as far as attendance during the end of March/beginning of April. I am married and my husband would readily watch our newborn while I am in school for 2 hours a week after I give birth. So, should I stay enrolled in the french course or just leave it for the next semester?

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I'm sure no adcom would hold it against you if you chose to register for only 9 credits. This side of the problem shouldn't enter into your calculations imo.

That being said, if you can come to an agreement with your professor, why not? French is fabulous, and getting out of the house for a few hours a week might prove beneficial to your mental health!

La décision vous appartient, très chère.
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I'm sure no adcom would hold it against you if you chose to register for only 9 credits. This side of the problem shouldn't enter in your calculations imo.

That being said, if you can come to an agreement with your professor, why not? French is fabulous, and getting out of the house for a few hours a week might prove beneficial to your mental health!

La décision vous appartient, très chère.

Completely agree with this. It won't be held against you for only taking 9 credits for a semester, it is very unlikely that anyone will ask you about it, and if they do and you feel comfortable sharing the information, you can tell them that you had a baby that semester and they will be beyond impressed that you even took 9 credits.

But I agree that if you can arrange something to do the French class, it would be a great way to get out of the house and it's just 2 hours a week.