Should I go for pharmacy school or nursing school (and then potentially NP)?

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Account on Hold
Account on Hold
Apr 27, 2023
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So I'm a 23f who graduated with a bachelor in science (Biology major psych minor) in 2021. I was figuring out what I want to do career wise after,,,worked patient care jobs thought I would do PA. However I have a pharmacy school interview coming up (this school which is the one I attended reached out to me after seeing I didn't get in their PA school, I only applied one cycle and gave up) and I thought why not. however nursing is an option for me to do an accelerated program, 16 months and then I can go on to do NP if I want. One of them has significantly more debt which is scary to me... I think I do well with patients but I do prefer non beside nursing. and I know that's feasible. opinions on which route to go? I don't really have a burning passion for anything maybe due to my major depression. at this point I want to choose the smartest choice for me that won't kill me with debt. thank you in advance.

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You again !!! Seem likes you just want something quick & making big bucks right after graduation. Well, none of these above (PA, RN/NP, or RPh) will give you that. I can sense why all the PA programs rejected you. I suggest that you should look into non-direct patient care careers.
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