should I repeat these classes???

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Apr 25, 2011
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I got two C's in gchem 1 & 2 and a D in biology couse at community college....I am now moving on to MS program and thinking about that I should repeat these courses at a community college or just keep moving and get a better DAT score....certainly, C's and the D will drag my GPA down...but I really don't know how to manage of finishing up these classes while I am working on my plz fellows

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I got two C's in gchem 1 & 2 and a D in biology couse at community college....I am now moving on to MS program and thinking about that I should repeat these courses at a community college or just keep moving and get a better DAT score....certainly, C's and the D will drag my GPA down...but I really don't know how to manage of finishing up these classes while I am working on my plz fellows

Definitely need to retake the biology class with the D. You can't have anything lower than a C-. Do really well in the MS. Now that you're in your MS just complete that and take the bio afterwards. You can also decide to take it in the summer if you aren't taking MS classes.
I think a lot of dental schools won't accept a C- or lower. I got a C- in a Physics class and had to re-take it.
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Personally, I would retake those classes. C is the lowest grade that most schools will take for your pre-reqs. The D definitely needs to be re-taken.
Definitely need to retake the biology class with the D. You can't have anything lower than a C-. Do really well in the MS. Now that you're in your MS just complete that and take the bio afterwards. You can also decide to take it in the summer if you aren't taking MS classes.

do you think that I can retake those classes at another CC or has to be the same school where I took them...and also...if I just retake them at the same school where I am doing my or will AADSAS calculates them as grad work or undergrad work...
I think a lot of dental schools won't accept a C- or lower. I got a C- in a Physics class and had to re-take it.

it will be nice if AADSAS only takes the retaken grades into count...
Personally, I would retake those classes. C is the lowest grade that most schools will take for your pre-reqs. The D definitely needs to be re-taken.

I know...and I don't know how much the retaken grades can help on my aadsas GPA...
I know...and I don't know how much the retaken grades can help on my aadsas GPA...

thats not the issue. The issue is dental schools wont allow you to matriculate without a C or above in the pre-reqs that have required.
thats not the issue. The issue is dental schools wont allow you to matriculate without a C or above in the pre-reqs that have required.

if i retake the classes at the same school where I do my MS...these retaken grades are considered as undergrad or grad because it happens while I am working on my MS...
if i retake the classes at the same school where I do my MS...these retaken grades are considered as undergrad or grad because it happens while I am working on my MS...

your MS program will allow an undergrad gen bio credit to be counted as graduate credit?..
Retake the Cs and Ds and make sure they're A- and B+s at least.

Aim for 3.8+ for your MS program.

Get >19 on every section of the DAT.

Apply to at least 25 schools and get good letter.

You'll get at least 3 interviews I think.