Should I retake a 123 Chem/Phys?

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New Member
Jun 26, 2024
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Hi! I recently scored a 507 (123/129/125/130). I was really nervous and knew the chem/phys section was going rough for me but calmed down after my first break. My #1 school looks at the highest composite MCAT score. They have a minimum score of 502 for my GPA (3.6). Obviously a higher overall MCAT would make me more competitive but I'm most concerned about my low chem/phys score. Should I focus on chem/phys and retake in the coming weeks to try and improve this one section or take my chances?

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It depends, are you ORM/URM, what state do you reside in, and are you shooting for MD or DO?

In any case you should only consider retaking if your practice exam scores increase pretty significantly in the next weeks.