Hey y'all... So I am currently applying this cycle to DO schools all over the country, and I received an email from one or two programs saying that I should increase my sGPA by taking more upper-level science courses to be a more competitive candidate. Now, here's the catch: I graduated with my Bachelors in May 2018, and I have not pursued any sort of SMP or post-bacc program. Therefore, I'm not enrolled in any university right now and I'm not sure how to approach this since we are currently in the middle of the cycle. I have a few options that I have considered:
1) Non-matriculate into a few graduate/undergrad courses through a local university in the spring, but I have to double check that they have spots open. If this is the case, should I take grad or undegrad courses? Which do you think will help me out the most?
2) Take undergrad courses online either through CSU, HES, or UNE COM. The only fear I have about this is that they say the courses are upper-level, but are they really? A lot of them are just science pre-reqs for DIY post-baccs, and I have already completed most of them. Will it actually help if I take them?
3) Non-matriculate into a regional university, like SUNY, and take undergrad upper-level courses online.
4) Just totally disregard this whole thing since it might just be my neuroticism talking, and patiently wait it out until the cycle is over.
I feel really lost in this situation and I would appreciate any of your input, advice, or experiences! Thank you so much!
1) Non-matriculate into a few graduate/undergrad courses through a local university in the spring, but I have to double check that they have spots open. If this is the case, should I take grad or undegrad courses? Which do you think will help me out the most?
2) Take undergrad courses online either through CSU, HES, or UNE COM. The only fear I have about this is that they say the courses are upper-level, but are they really? A lot of them are just science pre-reqs for DIY post-baccs, and I have already completed most of them. Will it actually help if I take them?
3) Non-matriculate into a regional university, like SUNY, and take undergrad upper-level courses online.
4) Just totally disregard this whole thing since it might just be my neuroticism talking, and patiently wait it out until the cycle is over.
I feel really lost in this situation and I would appreciate any of your input, advice, or experiences! Thank you so much!