Should I take orgo II lab?

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Sep 28, 2017
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I have been doing DIY post-bacc classes for the past year, and I have another semester to go of Organic Chem II and Physics II. I'm hoping to apply to med school this summer. I am considering taking my remaining classes at a different school than the one that I am attending now, because the other school is on the quarter system and I could finish by the end of March, giving me more time to study for the MCAT. However, they are not offering Orgo II lab during the winter quarter.

Since most schools no longer require Orgo II, would it make sense to take the class but not the lab, and hold off on the lab? Would schools that require the Orgo II lab still consider my application and let me take the lab before matriculation should I get in and decide to go?

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Since most schools no longer require Orgo II, would it make sense to take the class but not the lab, and hold off on the lab? Would schools that require the Orgo II lab still consider my application and let me take the lab before matriculation should I get in and decide to go?
And if you get off a waitlist later in the cycle and don't have sufficient time to get into the second lab?
I guess if this was a possibility early on I would make sure to take the lab asap.

Does anyone know which schools require all prereqs just to apply?