Medical Should I take prereqs at community college or a 4-year?

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May 10, 2013
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Hi again,

Thanks for the previous help. I took a leave of absence for a year from my DPT program. It just occurred and now I am looking to enroll in orgo I and maybe another course like genetics or sociology (state school would like this). I had taken my prereqs for PT school while working and did not want to pay for U of I courses so they were at a community college. I know med programs want to see rigor.

My question is whether or not I should enroll at a 4 yr and take orgo or take it at the CC I am enrolled at currently? I'll be honest I'm nervous. It seems to me an A is the biggest goal but any input is useful. What about other courses like genetics? Does taking these courses at a 4yr provide a significant boon to my app when I've taken a million undergrad/community/grad school courses?
On the side of medical school, it's always better to take your courses at a 4-year. Earring your A from a 4 year is much harder and if you get it, it overall looks stronger on your behalf. But in the terms of just getting an A and also saving money, you best chance is taking it at the CC.

be aware though that organic chemistry at a CC is not always "easier". Sometimes the professors at the CC will put their students through the ringer to prep them for the 4 year. My first organic chem course at the CC was way harder than organic chem at the 4-year because of the integrated lab component.

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