Should I take science prereqs over the summer?

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I go to a top 20 undergrad (according to US News) and science classes here are naturally really hard. So I was planning on taking Physics, anatomy, and calculus over the summer online at a different college (less known, not prestigious). However, I am worried that dental schools will think I am avoiding taking these classes at my current undergrad. The majority of my dental school prereqs will still be taken at my current undergrad. Do you guys think I should do it? any advice is appreciated.

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Online classes for prerequisites aren’t allowed for dental school. Find out if it states they're online courses through the institution and if it will show up on the transcript.

Not sure how schools might feel about you taking the classes elsewhere. But dental schools will have some sort of system of identifying if schools are more glad inflating or deflating and adjust accordingly I would presume. I could be wrong but it seems logical.

But schools should understand that costs is a big deal for education. So they may think you were just trying to save time/money. But first find out if the courses state their online on the transcript and work from there

Be warned, pretty sure you will need physics with Lab, not sure you can take a lab course online and most schools will probably require both physics 1&2 with lab. So I would do a little research before committing to taking these classes. Most dental schools don't require anatomy, but it's still a good class to take for preparation. Chem and BIo will also require lab as well with the courses. Are you a science major? You'll basically complete these courses during your degree, but if you think you'll save some time and money taking them elsewhere shouldn't hurt you as long as the classes meet the requirements. You could reach out to your school's prehealth center and ask.
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I go to a top 20 undergrad (according to US News) and science classes here are naturally really hard. So I was planning on taking Physics, anatomy, and calculus over the summer online at a different college (less known, not prestigious). However, I am worried that dental schools will think I am avoiding taking these classes at my current undergrad. The majority of my dental school prereqs will still be taken at my current undergrad. Do you guys think I should do it? any advice is appreciated.
I took Physics 1 & Physics 2 (w/labs) at a different college than my undergrad and have been accepted into multiple schools with 7 interview invitations. I did take the prereqs in person; as long as you follow what the schools require, I don't think it matters where you take your courses.
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Online classes for prerequisites aren’t allowed for dental school. Find out if it states they're online courses through the institution and if it will show up on the transcript.

Not sure how schools might feel about you taking the classes elsewhere. But dental schools will have some sort of system of identifying if schools are more glad inflating or deflating and adjust accordingly I would presume. I could be wrong but it seems logical.

But schools should understand that costs is a big deal for education. So they may think you were just trying to save time/money. But first find out if the courses state their online on the transcript and work from there

Be warned, pretty sure you will need physics with Lab, not sure you can take a lab course online and most schools will probably require both physics 1&2 with lab. So I would do a little research before committing to taking these classes. Most dental schools don't require anatomy, but it's still a good class to take for preparation. Chem and BIo will also require lab as well with the courses. Are you a science major? You'll basically complete these courses during your degree, but if you think you'll save some time and money taking them elsewhere shouldn't hurt you as long as the classes meet the requirements. You could reach out to your school's prehealth center and ask.
I asked the school and they said on the transcript it would not say the course is taken online. The online physics class I am taking has a lab component to it. I am a science major. I am just taking Physics online, but the other science classes will be in person.