I am applying to medical school this cycle and I am also still a senior in undergrad. This semester I was a Finance TA on Friday mornings. On the primary AAMC application, I mentioned this in the text of my activity describing my previous Biology TA work but it wasn’t its own activity. Otherwise, it hasn't really come up besides speaking very briefly on it at a previous interview. At this point, I have attended 2 interviews and have 6 scheduled.
Unfortunately, due to having so many medical school interviews on Fridays, the Finance 302 professor has decided it would be better to just have the rest of my recitations covered by another TA. This was a very amicable decision and split.
I am curious if you think I need to update schools that I will no longer be continuing with this activity as my application is ongoing? My first thought is that I do not unless they ask about it because it wasn’t a main activity (one of the 15 on primary), but I wanted to get your opinion.
Thank you very much!