Should I wait another year or am I just wasting my time?

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Mar 25, 2013
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I'm a non-URM Michigan native looking for MD schools. I've already waited an extra year to get my stats up but I'm wondering if I should wait another. Here's the gist of it...

Michigan State. Double major in 1)Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2) Human Biology with a specialization in Bioethics, Humanities, and Society
I'm a 5th year student. I will receive my Biochem and Mol. Bio B.S. at the end of this semester and receive the other degree at the end of next year. Next years classes are all medically/ethically based.

cGPA- 3.26 sGPA-3.15

-3 month study abroad for molecular biology research in Dusseldorf, Germany
-Clinical medicine volunteer in Trujillo, Peru for one month during 11'-12' winter. I received at least 40 hours of clinical training with a doctor and had hands on experience with several medical procedures
-1.5 years biochemistry research (specifically enzyme functional analysis) with the former chairperson of the MSU biochemistry department
-I volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters. I'm currently the big brother/mentor of a 6th grader and will continue to be until I start medical school
-Musician. I've been playing guitar and drums for nearly 12 years now. It's a passion of mine.
-Hopefully come May, I'll be shadowing a general practice physician for a week or so.

MCAT- 27Q. Retook and got a 36Q

But here's the kicker. Last year I was pulled over with a BAC above the legal limit and got a misdemeanor for OWVI (operating while visibly impaired). It's the same thing you'd get if you were stoned or caught below the legal limit but the officer decided not to let you go. I went to a MADD meeting, got a full write up from a psychologist who stated that I have absolutely no risk for substance dependence or problems and that I was an all around motivated and hard working person, and I attended a highway safety course and received a certificate of completion. I have documentation for all of these things including the psychologist's total write up of me.

So am I completely screwed or should I wait until the end of next year when my GPA will be around the 3.4-3.5 range?

To anyone that takes the time to read this, thank you. I'm sure we all know how stressful all of this stuff can be. Any feedback is appreciated.

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Your GPA is currently holding you back. Shoot for that 3.5 and apply broadly. Despite the outstanding MCAT score, these other things on your record add up and put you in an awkward position.
Your GPA is currently holding you back. Shoot for that 3.5 and apply broadly. Despite the outstanding MCAT score, these other things on your record add up and put you in an awkward position.

Agreed. If you're going to end up with a 3.4-3.5 at the end of the year, I'd wait til you achieve that GPA before applying.
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For the thing on your record, you should try maybevolunteering at a clinic or join some organization that is against this sort of behavior. It will be good for you spiritually aannnnd will also show adcoms that you have taken steps recover from this incident and that you have grown as an individual as a result.
Thank you both. But in the mean time, will it necessarily hurt me to apply broadly now? I know a lot of schools heavily look down upon applying three times or more but with financials aside, I'm just wondering whether I would be in a worse off position next year. (Provided everything works out as described in my original post but I don't get in this round)
A recent DUI violation would land you an automatic reject from our interview panel. Guys like you kill families like mine.
Wait a few years; time is redemptive.

I'm a non-URM Michigan native looking for MD schools. I've already waited an extra year to get my stats up but I'm wondering if I should wait another. Here's the gist of it...

Michigan State. Double major in 1)Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2) Human Biology with a specialization in Bioethics, Humanities, and Society
I'm a 5th year student. I will receive my Biochem and Mol. Bio B.S. at the end of this semester and receive the other degree at the end of next year. Next years classes are all medically/ethically based.

cGPA- 3.26 sGPA-3.15

-3 month study abroad for molecular biology research in Dusseldorf, Germany
-Clinical medicine volunteer in Trujillo, Peru for one month during 11'-12' winter. I received at least 40 hours of clinical training with a doctor and had hands on experience with several medical procedures
-1.5 years biochemistry research (specifically enzyme functional analysis) with the former chairperson of the MSU biochemistry department
-I volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters. I'm currently the big brother/mentor of a 6th grader and will continue to be until I start medical school
-Musician. I've been playing guitar and drums for nearly 12 years now. It's a passion of mine.
-Hopefully come May, I'll be shadowing a general practice physician for a week or so.

MCAT- 27Q. Retook and got a 36Q

But here's the kicker. Last year I was pulled over with a BAC above the legal limit and got a misdemeanor for OWVI (operating while visibly impaired). It's the same thing you'd get if you were stoned or caught below the legal limit but the officer decided not to let you go. I went to a MADD meeting, got a full write up from a psychologist who stated that I have absolutely no risk for substance dependence or problems and that I was an all around motivated and hard working person, and I attended a highway safety course and received a certificate of completion. I have documentation for all of these things including the psychologist's total write up of me.

So am I completely screwed or should I wait until the end of next year when my GPA will be around the 3.4-3.5 range?

To anyone that takes the time to read this, thank you. I'm sure we all know how stressful all of this stuff can be. Any feedback is appreciated.
A recent DUI violation would land you an automatic reject from our interview panel. Guys like you kill families like mine.
Wait a few years; time is redemptive.

Understandable. Around application time, it will have been just under a year and a half since the incident. I've read threads similar to mine and have seen first hand how people with similar offenses have had success in applying. I know there are many schools with an automatic reject but I figured I would just throw my case out there.
I think a 3.26 GPA with an averaged MCAT of 31.5 is risky for MD schools without considering any other red flags. Historical trends suggest a jump in GPA to 3.4-3.5 increases chances 10-20%.

Letting some time pass since the DUI would probably be helpful too.

Other than wasting time and money, I think the general opinion on SDN is that being a reapplicant hurts because you need to show a marked improvement from your last application cycle to be reconsidered at a school you were rejected from the first time. To show a significant improvement, it usually takes more than a year's worth of activities between the first application cycle and the second one.
While your mcat is great, do NOT let that decieve you in that you able to apply broadly.

As you may already know, you have TWO, not ONE red flags: The DUI, and the low GPA. the DUI and the GPA can be redeemed over time. There were great suggestions made by others, and I may include that if you're taking time off, I'd recommend working a job where you have some real responsibilities and that can be another means of showing that the DUI is not who you truly are. These types of things are not to be taken lightly. True, the reality is that there are many people who drink and drive without getting a DUI-it almost has to be the cop has to be at the right place, and the right time. So you could argue that why is the world extra hard on you when others have done it too. As you probably know, it's not about you vs them, it's about you vs yourself.

But to me, if i were evaluating an applicant right now who just got a DUI, I'd have some reservations with their maturity so soon after a DUI.
Two really good reasons to wait:

- Fix your GPA from 'big problem' to 'OK'
- Allow your DWI to mellow
Thank you all for the suggestions. I think I might just suck it up and wait another year.
DUI are typically looked at as a red flag during the application review process but if you're granted an interview you should really explain how you have learned from the instance and truly be sincere about it. If you don't own up to your own mistakes or if you say "it happens to a lot of people" then they will not think you are not responsible enough to care for patients.

Your GPA does hurt you for MD schools, but I know VCU Medical School at least is always willing to give a student a chance to explain to DUI.